Kellan is a dirt magnet. Like, two steps out the door on our way out and he's already dug up a snail while I was locking the door kind of dirt magnet. There is no escaping an evening bath for him and if I'm honest with myself, he could probably use one before his nap as well, but let's not get crazy. There is a water shortage, people. Last night while he was in the tub I turned to grab a towel and he stuck his face in the water and drank it. I should have expected it. He's going through this dog phase and I've caught him trying to drink out of the dog bowl a few times. GAG. Anyway, I tell him "ew, no, that's yucky and dirty!" And his response to me? "It's water! It's deewishus!" Now, I've been telling him that for weeks to get him to drink water out of his cup. Apparently it's more delicious out of the tub with dirt and (probably) pee than a cup with ice. Awesome.
Love Love this...keep writing!!