Sunday, March 10, 2013

The New Mean Girls

I don't even know where to start with this post.  It's been weighing heavily on my heart for days and I know I need to "get it out."  Sigh.  Last week in the cafeteria of my daughter's school some girls began to pick on another girl.  Apparently it's a frequent occurrence, but that day she began to cry.  Two girls, one of whom is a close friend of my daughter, took action and notified the security personnel.  However, this made them the new targets and by the end of the day they were receiving threats and nasty text messages.  My daughter's good friend was called a "hoe," and was threatened several times that she was going to get her ass beat.  The harassing continued for days, even though the school administration had been notified.  To their credit however, the bullies did receive a three-day suspension, each, later in the week.

Since a portion of the threats took place on Facebook, I was forced to take a long hard look at Lauren's page, going through friend by friend of those I had (at least thought) I had carefully added.  I saw a status that read "Blank and Blank are bitches, I don't like them!"  Another of her friends, a classmate, recently changed her middle name on FB to read "Clitoris."  My jaw hit the ground.

Oh, did I mention these were 10 and 11 year olds.  Yeah, 5th graders still in elementary school.  I can barely wrap my mind around it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, Erin. This is middle school. Keep a close eye on the friends, and especially the online activities. Stay involved - sounds to me like you are already doing all of these things. :)

